Regional focus at UDIA summit

Victoria’s peak industry body for urban development recently hosted their annual Urban Development Industry Association (UDIA) summit across two days in June.

The summit brought together industry experts, developers and urbanists to explore the future of business through the lens of environmental, social and governance principles.

As part of the program, Hygge Director Adam Davidson delivered a presentation, Delivering future-focused communities in regional Victoria.

Adam’s session included a panel discussion with Terry Natt, the Manager of Strategic Planning at the City of Ballarat and Campbell Gullock, an urban designer with Ballarat-based studio, Blades.

The panel was moderated by Jack Vaughan, Director of Policy at UDIA Victoria with key take home messages including:

  • Delivering quality development to create net positive community impact in regional areas.

  • Transforming underutilized spaces rich in existing infrastructure.

  • Pursuing designs that enhance their historic, cultural and natural context.

Images from the event below (supplied by UDIA Victoria).